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My name is John Todd. I am a starting this blog in between sophomore semesters as a little project. Probably very very few people are going to see this but its more for myself if you did manage to land here and are a bit confused. This is almost a journal about all things associated to my journey to become a physician. This will include updates about classes, MCAT studying, book reviews, shadowing, and other projects. If you did manage to come here- enjoy! But it really isn't meant for you, so sorry if its a mess hehe.

Latest Posts

Spring semester recap and now onto MCAT

Managing projects and in the full swing of school now.

Review of The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

Review of Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgement

Winter Break!!

Review of Stillness is the Key

Review of Complications: A Surgeons Notes on an Imperfect Science

Review of When Breath Becomes Air

Review of Thinking Fast and Slow

Review of Why Buddhism is True

Review of Atomic Habits